• HOW?
    We Serve Our World


    Employee empowerment has typically referred to enabling front-line employees with greater authority, responsibility and decision-making opportunities.

    In the hospitality industry this increases customer service and efficiency with faster decisions from sales, service and kitchen staff.

    While all industries, companies and employers seek to empower their staff at different levels, the hospitality industry is in a more difficult situation than ever following the pandemic.

    We Serve Our World


    Value is paramount in the hospitality industry.

    There is the intrinsic importance of knowing one’s own value in a working environment, the industry at large and society as a whole.

    There is also the monetary value placed on that position which directly affects the first iteration above.

    Knowing ones value and self-worth should be front of mind as the industry continues to emerge from a post-COVID/pandemic state, and employers should be doing what they can to demonstrate this to their staff.

    We Serve Our World


    In an industry comprised of long hours, late shifts, problem-solving and high-paced multi-tasking, the individuals who make up the F&B sector finally have ‘well-being’ as a visible and vocal necessity to form part of their lifestyle. Prioritising sleep, exercise and food brings greater balance, energy, motivation and potential to where F&B staff can get to.

    The key message from Healthy Hospo is a proactive, preventative approach to health – rather than cure.

    • Sleep

    Make sleep a priority (get your 8 hours in!); Make your bedroom a Temple of Sleep; Get a routine going to wind yourself down, decompress and begin switching off to help get to sleep in a healthy way.

    We Serve Our World


    • Exercise

    Bartender turned Personal Trainer Stuart Ritchie shared his top tips to increase your exercise and bring more balance to your lifestyle and well-being with Healthy Hospo:

    1. Find time in the day for yourself
    2. Realign your balance between good and bad habits
    3. 24-hour gyms
    4. Embrace workouts at home
    5. Get in touch with a PT for advice to get going
    We Serve Our World


    • Food

    Even if it’s possible to prepare a nutritious meal and bring it with you there’s no time to sit and enjoy it.

    Invest the time each week to prepare the right meals and snacks to have with you that are nutritious.

    Our energy levels, mood, sleep and immune system are but a few essential aspects of ourselves which deteriorate along with our diet, and lead to a heavy imbalance in our well-being.

    When in doubt, load up on fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds to get you revitalised, reset and re-balanced.


    We Serve Our World


    At the core of any career path in any industry for employees is the opportunity for growth (personal and professional) and to increase capability.

    Accredited training is a huge part of capability and growth in the hospitality industry. Globally recognised qualifications in management, sales, tourism, operations, public relations and category knowledge in courses like WSET are available – we just need to ask.

    These kinds of opportunities are vital to empowering the hospitality industry and its members, and to making a career in this sector everything it can be.

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